Like all other Infineon MCUs and system on chips (SoCs) the 32-bit PSoCs belong to ProMik's service portfolio. The embedded SoCs are based on the ARM® Cortex®-M processor, high-performance analog blocks, PLD-based digital blocks, programmable interconnect and routing as well as CapSense™. This makes them to a unique innovation worldwide. The 32-bit PSoCs can be divided in multiple subcategories, among them the PSoC™4 and PSoC™6.
The fourth series of the PSoCs belong to the most flexible, scalable low-power mixed-signal architectures. This is achieved through a combination of low-power Cortex®-M0- and Cortex®-M0+ cores as well as programmable mixed-signal hardware IP and CapSense.
The PSoC™6 is one of Infineon's newest microcontrollers. He is built upon the dual-core ARM® Cortex®-M architecure and provides not only ultra-low power, but also highest flexibiliy and security for the Internet of Things (IoT). The series is ideal for the use in the IoT in particular. The PSoC™6 obtain their high-performance in detail from a ARM® Cortex®-M4 und ARM® Cortex®-M0+, CapSense™ as well as software-defined analog and digital peripherals.