hello, interfaces

Debugging Interfaces -
Maximum flexibility via JTAG,
DAP, SWD, BDM etc.


hello, industries

Interfaces for flexible changes of requirements or updates.

Debugging interfaces definition

Debugging interfaces are connections which enable the direct access to components like microcontrollers or SoCs (System on Chips) and therefore allow to request general information. Originally, they are used for error search and identification. At the same time, however, through direct access they also create the possibility of making short-term changes to the soft- or firmware as well as carrying out reprogramming. Because of this, they are not only used for debugging, but also for flash programming and testing.


Debugging interfaces - Overview

JTAG (Joint Test Action Group/ IEEE-Standard 1149.1)

JTAG is probably the best known debugging interface. It includes a standardised method for the access and the control of internal components, whereby the programming speeds amount to 100 MHz. To the key features of JTAG belongs among others Boundary Scan – an established testing method with which less test points are required.

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DAP (Debug Access Port)

DAP is used with ARM microcontrollers and processors. Like JTAG this debugging interface obtains a standardised method for the access and control of the components. Programming is done with a speed of up to 80 MHz. The follow-up version DAP2 improves the speeds up to 160MHz.

SWD (Serial Wire Debug)

Also SWD is used with ARM microcontrollers and processors. It replaces traditional programming via the 5-pin JTAG interface with a 2-pin interface with a clock (SWDCLK) and a single bi-directional data pin (SWDIO), providing all normal JTAG debugging and testing functionalities, anyhow dayisy-chaining devices as via JTAG is not possible.

BDM (Background Debug Mode)

Motorola/ Freescale uses BDM as debugging interface. The special feature lies in the fact that it is operated in the background. This means that the device can be debugged while it executes code in normal operating mode.

MSP Family

Programmers for maximum flexibility

ProMik's MSP family supports up to 30 freely configurable I/Os and any interfaces (automotive or debugging). The customer is given maximum flexibility in the implementation of the solutions. ProMik's programming systems are particularly designed for the automotive market in which not only complex requirements, but also large quantities have to be managed.

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Contact us today to receive current information about technical background and specific use cases of our Multi Standard Programmers.


Use Case MSP2150Net - Usage of Debugging interfaces for Flash Programming and Testing

For the 4up-Panel a JobFile-based fully parallel programming and test process was used. To initiate the flash process a power-up sequence was initiated via the SPI protocol for the Power Management IC (PMIC) and executed by the AURIX (TC2x) microcontroller.

To comply current cyber security requirements, the bootloader of the customer was downloaded via JTAG in the Zynq UltraScale to write and set fuses. Encrypted data processing was also implemented for the HSM and UCB key programming of the Infineon AURIX microcontroller.

ProMik's FlashTaskPro software was used for the production process.


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